Sunday, February 23, 2014

Welcome to the Utah Valley ERM blog!

Returned early from a mission? Things can be difficult at first and even for a long time after that so it is always nice to have people you can feel loved by regardless of who you are, where you come from or what your story is.

 This initiative was created in January 2014 with the hopes that missionaries who had, have, or will come home early from their full-time missions would have something that they could feel like they are apart of, a place where they can feel like they belong. We hope that this group will provide a place to heal from the challenges that early returning missionaries experience in their interactions with. This is somewhere where you can truly understand why it is that you have had this trial arise in your life and how to better cope with those influences that often can cause discouragement and despair.

Whether you may have returned from your mission early for emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual shortcomings, you are always welcome. Our initiative is designed to help everyone who becomes a part of it whether you have the opportunity to return to the field in the future, whether you are not able to return to missionary service or whether you just aren't sure yet.

You can request to join our Facebook page for information on weekly events, fun social activities or stories of inspiration written by those you are more similar to you than you may have even thought possible. The link to the page is provided below.

 Please feel free to contact us at to share your story, ask questions or get more information about what you can do to belong to this exciting initiative. We look forward to hearing from you soon and having you share your experience and hearing experiences of those who are already a part of this group!

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